達易特基因科技 - 預防保健的實踐家,個性化醫學的領航者

    The Leading Biomedical Giant in Asia

    The Leader in Genetic Technology, a Practitioner of Precision Intelligence.

    GENE TARGET leverages the most advanced global genetic technology to simultaneously implement precision preventive medicine and precision child upbringing, establishing itself as the most authoritative and representative international biomedical group.
    We specialize in genetic testing for cancer diseases and provide exclusive tailored comprehensive healthcare.

    Mother of Genomic Lifestyle<br />Dr. Chen Yi-Fang Mother of Genomic Lifestyle<br />Dr. Chen Yi-Fang

    Mother of Genomic Lifestyle
    Dr. Chen Yi-Fang

    Dr. Chen Yi-Fang has been engaged in genetic medicine research for many years.
    Global Application of Massive Data Global Application of Massive Data

    Global Application of Massive Data

    Exclusive Chinese Gene Database with Over a Million Records.
    Massive Gene Health Data.
    Repeated Achievements, Numerous Awards. Repeated Achievements, Numerous Awards.

    Repeated Achievements, Numerous Awards.

    Professional Patent Technology Worth Billions Professional Patent Technology Worth Billions

    Professional Patent Technology Worth Billions

    Precise Testing, Precise Maintenance.
    Precise Healthcare, Precise Service.
    Fruitful Achievements, Industry Leadership. Fruitful Achievements, Industry Leadership.

    Fruitful Achievements, Industry Leadership.

    Medical Device R&D

    Gene Chip Engineering

    Precise Health Service

    Animal Medical Health

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    國家產創計畫助攻 成功研發一站式分子晶片操作系統 核酸檢測邁向新紀元








    GENE CARE心血管健康管家

    GENE CARE心血管健康管家

    隨著現代人生活型態、飲食環境、以及職場壓力的改變,出現了越來越多猝死的案例。分析顯示華人40歲以下的猝死原因多爲心血管相關問題,且大多數皆無預先徵兆。根據世界衛生組織指出,心血管疾病是全球死亡的頭號殺 ...

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